Emails, Letters & Experiences
Dear family,
Recently I have been hearing a lot of Gurubandhus (especially ones that have come into our Saipatham family after daddy's samadhi) express a need to be able to send prayers and letters either by email or by post to baba and daddy. So this is information for anyone who wishes to do so.
You can write an email to,
Or send letters/invitations to,
Sri Sainathuni Sarathbabuji,
Saipatham Ashram,
Pimpalwadi Road, Shirdi
Tal - Rahata, Ahmednagar
MH, India - 423109
This is not new information or a new system. This has been in place since many years but I think a lot of people have either forgotten or they simply don't know. The Sannidhanam still receives a lot of letters and invitations and so does
This brings up so many memories to mind. I still remember as a child I would always see boxes and boxes of letters that would arrive home. I also remember how many of our Gurubandhus would send regular emails to Some sent prayers, some shared their problems, some seeked solutions to their problems while some would simply share joyous news and updates from their lives. I have always found this practice to be very touching. I know of people who would send emails every morning to as soon as they woke up or the first thing from work. Many still do. I think this is a beautiful avenue to express our love. And it is also a wonderful modern way to feel connected. I hope this information helps.
P.S. You can also send/share your experiences via email as text, scan, voice or video format to We have this ID in place so we can collect experiences for the next volume of "Bound to Love/SaiDeevena! So, do send them in!